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Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Glut is a spiritual term for an overload of sensuous input that warps one's perspective. But in this case I wanted to use it humorously as a follow-on to my previous post, to say that sometimes "the universe responds" - as people are fond of saying - and you "get what you want" even if you didn't really ask for it. Like a big dog that rushes up and licks your face.

This morning I had slept in to about 7:30, quite late for me being in the hospital, and people started to come in - the Doctor, nurses on the shift change, etc - and I was laying there disheveled but correcting some of the things they said, which is normal, and planning to get out of bed, which involves moving my IV, pushing it in to the bathroom, etc, and later calling to order breakfast. I was asked if I wanted anything, so I said the usual, after Katy Perry: Ginger Ale. Got that.

I then walked to the microwave oven down the hall, pushing the IV and hoping my gowns were somewhat staying around me, and the mystery nurse grabbed my arm and asked if I wanted coffee from downstairs (I had gone on my own yesterday and was not supposed to walk unattended) so I said yes. Got that. Somehow that incident reminds me of the movie Brazil, not sure why. Now I am sitting here with a laptop I don't own on my table, hot white tea, coffee and ginger ale, and breakfast is on the way. There is a bag of chocolate chips in my drawer. (The one thing I would ask is a $4 bunch of flowers from Bi-Lo, as I always have flowers at home, and take them in to work every week also.) I find this amusing. How about you?

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