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Monday, July 14, 2014

"... and a few lilies blow"

I find it interesting when people say that "God is silent", or the famous quote, "God's one and only voice is silence." How perplexing. What if you enrolled in a school and found that they gave no textbooks, or assignments, and said nothing. That, grades were assigned by chance and could make or ruin your life for no discernable reason? What sort of school would that be, what manner of teacher? Is it one you would send your children to?

I find that God talks to me at times, and is sometimes directive, but never in a way that makes me feel compelled or judged. More like a good friend who takes a great interest in my life. Today God was saying that I am His Child, and I was finally beginning to understand. I really do understand, at least, in a new and more comprehensive way than ever before, and such that I could never explain it to anyone. You are on your own with that.

However, God is silent as to motives, reasons, understandings, explanations, or any means of telling what the school of life is about, why we are in it, who is managing it, what we are meant to be learning, or if we should stay in, give up, tear the damn thing down, change our minds or just yield to inertia. In all of the ways which could properly be said to give any meaning or purpose to life, there is no word, not from God or any religion. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool. Because:
A) we have free will and responsibility
B) I have become convinced that there is no reason whatsoever for anything that happens, in terms of a larger picture: it is just experience.

Paramahansa Yogananda said that "God wished to enjoy His Being through many selves." That includes no notion of purpose, goals, morals, values, ideals, or anything else like them. God simply wanted to Be, as Us, at any cost and with no expectations whatsoever. We are here to enjoy Being, as not only God's children, but as God incarnate, each and every one of us, fully. Amen. Let us add nothing to the silence.
Consider Vivekacudamani #515

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