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Friday, March 20, 2015

character story texture

Character is the "what" that plays a role. Nonduality sees this What as only a wrinkle in the fabric of Experience, a locus for energy and time to intersect. Ego wants to claim it as a separately existing thing, but it is simply part of the flowing wholeness. Character has a name (or several) and appearance and tendencies. But all of that is mutable, transitory and only for fun. Choose what you want it to be. This character decided several years ago to create personality facets and give them names and let them do what they wished. Later found that this is called Transpersonal Psychology, which is like inventing multiplication when I was 7... Endless creativity can create anything. Fear for nothing.

Story is something that gets stuck to the Character. Ego tells the stories over and over, to itself, and anyone who will listen. This is a dead end. Free yourself from the compulsion to believe anything about yourself.

Texture is the "how" Experience unfolds. Coffee. Sunrise. Biting an orange. Listening to music. Dancing on the beach. Every experience is unique in all of time. There are no repeats, so don't catch yourself being bored. Life is not a rehearsal. The hearse will come one day, and for now it is unimportant. Yours. Anyone's. Experience it now. Start with whatever is happening... Right... Now. What happens is beyond question. Texture is truth.

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