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Monday, April 13, 2015


People are always wondering why the universe (or life) is the way it is. They ask why God would make things this way? "What kind of a God would..." and as far as I know, even the believers don't have an answer that makes sense or is convincing. But I have one.

Let's not get carried away
Someone I know says that Experience exists because "the Void can't know itself." So, presumably, the Void created Experience, and now Seeing is seeing Itself. That makes sense, right? Can we say that this is at least a consistent picture? If you were all possibility but no actuality, and no present awareness, wouldn't you create Experience in order to know... what you actually are? I would.

So, what kind of a universe would you make? Personally, I would have no clue where to start, so I suppose I would start with the fabric of space and time, then make some forces and particles. From there, as we know, particles can make choices, and we would be off and running. In other words, a God that knew nothing at all would do exactly what we observe to be the case. And a God that already knew everything would have no reason to do it in the first place.

Next question.

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