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Friday, June 27, 2014

Most Insignificant Person

I would like to acclaim my friend Mark for many things over the last few months and especially this past week. I have enjoyed discussions, walks and meals with him (I met him 4 months ago). We had numerous extended email conversations about in-depth topics to do with reason and spirituality. When I asked for help and a place to stay after I would be discharged from the hospital (tomorrow, as I write), he volunteered his home and services. I need to stay somewhere for a week where I will be monitored, and have assistance with tasks. I cannot drive for 3 more weeks, so will also need help from friends once I return to my apartment. Mark is ideal for this. While I was unconscious or completely incapacitated for days after surgery, Mark came and calmly observed and spoke with me, then took on the needed role of sending email updates to my friends and family. (I have not seen these messages, but several people have commented on the great job that Mark did.)

What I want to say is what Mark is not, so that is a bit complex. Mark does not have personal significance. He is what he is, and does not extend, defend, justify or rehearse it. This is an excellent model of a spiritual person. I strive to be that. The best way to put this is a quote from Rumi: "The miracle of Jesus is not in what he said, or in what he did. The miracle of Jesus is himself." I salute Mark as the most insignificant person (the most simply self-being person) that I know.

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