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Thursday, September 24, 2015

the All-Seeing I

Over a year ago I had an experience during a guided visualization that created a permanent change in perspective. I won't describe it, other than to say that it was about the Two Real Things: the Void, and Experience. This morning I had an interesting thought about how we perceive, and what our view means. Experience is seen in analogy by looking straight forward and noticing the round, seemingly edgeless window of sight. (Like what Douglas Harding describes in his book "On Having No Head") The Void is understood by analogy to the invisible realm "behind our heads" which is outside the field of view, all that we cannot be conscious of.

"With, not thro' the Eye"
This morning I was turning my head a bit to be aware of the inconspicuous boundary of my vision, and I felt that something within me was trying to stretch that edge as far back and around as possible. Could the Ego be wanting to see in all directions at once, to know and control everything? Maybe. But it is also true that the Third Eye is known as "the All-Seeing Eye". It is understood in the Astral Realm as including all forms of perception and thought itself: the "6 senses" described by the Buddha. At Enlightenment (or Liberation, or whatever the most exalted state is called) there is no unconscious, and all that can be perceived and known is present.

So maybe the pull I was feeling is the natural growth of the being? What do you think? Do the experiment, and become aware of what you see, and what you do not see.

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